
Figure Skating Assessment Tools

This site automatically generates Freeskate, Artistic, Skills, Dance, and Synchro Assessment Sheets and Assessment Summary Sheets required for Skate Canada STARSkate assessments.

To protect your data, the information you provide is processed locally and never leaves your device.

This site is not affiliated, associated, endorsed, or authorized with/by Skate Canada. You are solely responsible for meeting any Skate Canada requirements and regulations that may apply. This site provides no warranty or liability, and you agree to use it at your own risk.

1. Upload assessment information

Upload a CSV file containing details about the assessments. A template with the required fields can be found here. You may add additional columns to the CSV, but the columns specified in the template must be present and filled in.

The CSV file cannot be processed. Please upload a file in the correct format.
2. Enter additional information

Additional information is required on some of the generated reports. All the fields below are optional, and if left empty, will also appear empty in generated forms.

Assessment Event Information
The assessment event name will be printed on the Assessment Summary Sheet.
These fees are mandated by Skate Canada depending on the type of test taken.
Organization / Skating Club / School Information
Assessment Coordinator Information
3. Generate Assessment Sheets

These sheets are used by the Assessor on the day of the assessment. Each Assessment Sheet will have a unique ID printed on the top right or top left corner based on the ID provided in the CSV for easy referencing. Assessment Sheets will not be generated any entries marked as 'Withdrawn'.

Please upload assessment information first.
4. Generate Assessment Summary Sheet

These sheets are used to record the assessment results, and are sent to Skate Canada for record updates (if not already submitted online). Uploading a CSV with assessment results will produce Assessment Summary Sheets with the result prechecked. Assessment Summary Sheets will not include any entries marked as 'Withdrawn'.

Please upload assessment information first.


Figure Skating Assessment Tools
Version 1.1.0 (Oct 26, 2022)